W H Littlejohn

1891-1917 / England

Holy Communion, Suvla Bay

Behold a table spread!
A battered corned-beef box, a length of twine,
An altar-rail of twigs and shreds of string.
…For the unseen, divine,
Uncomprehended Thing
A hallowed space amid the holy dead.

Behold a table spread!
And on a fair, white cloth the bread and wine,
The symbols of sublime compassioning,
The very outward sign
Of that the nations sing,
The body that He gave, the blood He shed.

Behold a table spread!
And kneeling soldiers in God's battle-line,
A line of homage to a mightier King:
All-knowing All-benign!
Hearing the prayers they bring,
Grant to them strength to follow where He led.
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