Virginia J. Brady

New Monmouth, New Jersey

Two Roads

There are two roads to travel inlife.
The high road seems to be easier
It's called pleasure without strife.
It is wide, well traveled, crowded and busier.
The Momentum increases to get us to the pleasure,
the forks in the road called truth are ignored,
who wants truth when enjoyment is the lure.
All forms of delight are there and are not censored.
At the end of the road of Pleasure it's found
that all the enjoyment is but dross,
tears, disappointment and flagellation abound.
Now it's realized the forks in the road lead to the cross,
with the dawn of reason comes the parting of the way.
The road to truth is narrow, less traveled and steep,
harder, more difficult to climb and to pay
for the heartache and for the despair that is so deep.
The Way and the Truth now to them has been told
that the Lord awaits with open arms-to embrace
"HIS" errant sons and daughters into "His" blessed fold.
"His" Way, Truth, Love is for every color, creed and race.
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