Veveronsky Veveronsky

December 31,1985
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MEANing , Noo!!

I sat deep in sorrow
I felt it like wet clothes
Drip drip the water was dropping of them
Like my sense of world and meaning of it all
I cried , cried , and cried some more ,
With my broken soul.,
And when I laughed , they made fun of my broken laugh
I did nth laying on my bed ,
I shut down my own brain cells
I squeezed some tears of guilt
For the fall of another season and my Papa's reason
I heard a girl talk bout her dreams
And saw desolation under her eyes
I thought maybe I can sleep even with open eyes and dream in daylight
No meaning ,it makes , it's alright
Theres no meaning left or maybe it's out of my sight
I am not angry anymore , bt maybe I am ..
It's a song I rlly like , cuz it sound like mine ..
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