Torild Wardenær

1951 / Stavanger

Inheritance CCXCIV, Unsecured I

Towards Sagittarius, twenty-five thousand light years away, the young Pistol Star reels around its own detonated mass, a hundred and fifty times stronger than the sun, fully loaded, unsecured and out of the holster.
Not that I let myself be threatened, but lift my arms even so and place myself against a wall
volunteer my personal details

kingdom: animalia
series: chordata
order: primata
family: hominidae
lineage: homo
species: sapiens
habitat: terrestrial and

late in the series of evolution, with epithelia and spine and circulatory organs fully grown and of an extraction partially unknown, partially Milanese, although I also admit to descent from chiton, turbellaria and flukes, that I belong to a highly developed species, but that I am not yet able to love my neighbour, admit that even my most unselfish acts can be counted on one hand, something the pale sky above me has disapprovingly been a witness to and behind me the Pistol Star fires away in all directions while I press myself up against a wall, showing my face as if it was a cosmic mark, as if it would grant me free passage.

English Translation by John Irons
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