Timothy Steele

1948 / Vermont / United States

In The King's Rooms

David, at Mahanaim during the Rebellion

This evening I pace chambers where I sought
To charm an old king with a shepherd's song.
Now I am king, and aging. I once thought
I could forever dwell in quiet caught
From melodies I crafted. I was wrong.

Young, loved by all, I lived beyond all doubt.
I tamed the fear in the wide, liquid eye
Of the young doe - and later, led the rout
Of the invaders, lifting with a shout
The giant's head up to an answering sky.

Despised now even by my son, I raise
No shout to heaven. An uncertain friend,
A faithless leader, I can only gaze
Across a land which lent me, once, its praise
And which tonight I grudgingly defend.

Let my smooth, artful counselors secure
Defeats or victories in the name of truth.
I can no longer care. Nor am I sure
Whom I should pray forgiveness for -
The old man misled or the too-favored youth.
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