Thuy Lexuan

Alexandria, VA, USA

With Him Came The Truth

He moved in without a norm,
He moved out, with form and light.
And, like lightning in a storm,
He was far beyond their height.
Jehovah called Him "God Omnipotent,"
For Moses, "He must be The Messiah;"
Confucius, Laotze, "He's God Omniscient;"
As for Mohammed, He's his church's "Allah."
Jesus and RamaKrishna called Him "Christ;"
And Christ, they also called me day and night.
Christ's not a performer of miracles,
neither a founder of religion,
neither a collector of rubbles,
but the Knower of all Creation.
Christ's true Body is not of flesh and bones,
nor of fuzzy matter with goofy might,
nor of halos made of celestial clones,
but of pure Light, immense beyond sight.
Christ exists now, not as a phantom
of some gas smoke from mind baloney,
but through union, the highest wisdom,
well hidden inside the Trinity:
"Man can unite his individual soul,
"the Son, in his lofty spiritual goal,
"with the Universal Soul, the Father,
"for the Holy Spirit, the Creator,
to become his own Body of Light
"so pervading and immense in size,
"so small and so low in density,
"so pure and so clear in purity."
The wind will blow, where the eagle
Hunts and soars free from fencing bounds,
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