My world has been turned upside down once again. Trying to be careless but my problems boil in this pot of chaos, but still maintaining control over my self pity has been the challenge of a life time. Bless id be the day when life except me for how I am and dismisses the horrible hand that i keep getting delt. All alone again in this closet of solitude but still being judged by this man in the mirror. I no longer posses facial expressions of happiness, the hate for myself grows stronger as the days go by. Time stops for no one but me the world seems to stop when I get out of bed, ungrateful is what Ive become. As if i didn't exists while people pass my by without any acknowledgment of my presence being made. Tired, frustrated, fearful and anticipating the worst because the best never happens in the life that i live. Realizing that this poem saddens me so ending it is what Ive done. 'Chaotic Bliss'