Thomas Paine

1737-1809 / the USA

Hail Great Republic

Hail great Republic of the world,
Which rear'd her empire in the West,
Where fam'd Columbus' flag unfurl'd,
Gave tortured Europe scenes of rest;
Be thou forever great and free,
The land of Love, and Liberty!

Beneath thy spreading, mantling vine,
Beside each flowery grove and spring,
And where thy lofty mountains shine,
May all thy sons and fair ones sing.
Be thou forever, etc.

From thee may hellish discord prowl,
With all her dark and hateful train;
And while thy mighty waters roll,
May heaven-descended concord reign.
Be thou forever, etc.

Where'er the Atlantic surges lave,
Or sea the human eye delights,
There may thy starry standard wave,
The constellation of thy rights!
Be thou forever, etc.

May ages as they rise proclaim
The glories of thy natal day;
And states from thy exalted name
Learn how to rule, and to obey.
Be thou forever, etc.

Let laureates make their birthdays known,
Or how war's thunderbolts are hurl'd;
'Tis ours the charter, ours alone,
To sing the birthday of a world
Be thou forever great and free,

The land of Love and Liberty!
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