Go lytell boke with rudenes replete
Presente the humbly before lecture lytterall
Excusynge thy maker by way or by strete
And pronounce thy sentence wt language lyberal
Praye them to correcte thy paynes rustycall
For made thou was of shorte aduysement
Be meruayllous instaunce of a louer verament.
Fayned thou arte with wordes approbryous.
Regystrynge the actes and propertyes of women
That some men wyll Iuge the enuyous.
Naye truely than were he to blame
This is his mynde and entendement certayne
Where as they rede and fynde them gyltye
Lette them amende this counsayle gyueth he.
Who lyketh thy sentence and pondureth it ryght
Coniectynge well in his remembraunce
Knowe maye he truely that by a lady bryght
Thou was compyled by pastymes pleasaunce
Suche grete vnkyndnesse whiche caused varyaunce
Was shewed to a louer called. F. T.
Her name also begynneth with. A. B.