Taryn G

October 17 1993, Canada
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An Ode to Aphrodite

the next time you see him
you will look as if there is a splendid sun
burning under your skin.
you will smoulder
like the goddesses that came before you.
you will not be cold
or vengeful
or bitter or weak.
your laugh will sound like rain on the window pain
your words will be soft
and sweet.
you will be kind.
demure even.
this will be his undoing

as the moment ticks on, he will let his guard down.
he will remember the softness of your lips
the curve of your feminine beauty
and he will be drawn in
determined to have you
as his one last time
darling bite your tongue and let him.
if only for a moment

as he reaches for you, play the game
toss your hair
buck your hips
breathe his name like it’s the only sound you’ve ever uttered in his ear
run your nails down him
leave marks for other girls to know him by
(they will know him love, they always do)

and when the deed is done
when he lays in bed, languishing in the pleasure you gave him
look him dead in the eye and tell him
“you will never forget me. I am certain of it”
hand him his clothes
tell him you’re done with him. he has served a purpose and he is to get the fuck out
of the temple you call home

do not bother to discuss
or explain.
you do not need him.
this encounter was to remind him
that even goddesses get bored
and this world and all of its pleasures
are for you to reap.

A woman as glorious as you
will no longer let an apology grace her lips.
if you’re too much
if they don’t like it,
they can go find less.
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