Tammy Darby

October 21, 1957
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When the world turned upside down

Blue sky transposed was now the oceans floor
The once blinding sun became the shadowy moon
The stars disappeared their light seen nevermore
The signs of what was to come
Across the universe the scattering of foul seed

Hidden from sight
Revealed in the ancient rotting runes long lost
Was humankind's destiny
None now living could read

Son murdered father
And daughter mother
The slaughter began
The sands of life once white now dark
Through the shining hourglass ran
The heart of man possessed no righteousness
The eyes no sight
Thievery and deceit traveled the roads of the heart unhindered
Brazen and drunk with power evil revealed its identity in the dimming light
Goodness empathy and honor vanquished took flight

Madness now emboldened with strength reigned supreme
Smiling and confident Mayhem sat upon the throne of flames
As the dark one's chosen king
Haunting sounds of suffering reverberated across the world
The Bells of death shall echo and ring

As drops of blood will surely spill and trickle upon the trembling waiting ground
The end of humans marched steadily with forward donning chaos crown
When the world of man
Turned upside down

@ Copyright Tammy M. Darby Nov. 2, 2021.
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