Tammy Darby

October 21, 1957
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Till the shadows fade

In the dew touched hours of the morning when humans sleep
Taking their hand, bowing to shadows before the waltz
I accept my fate and weep
As memories to their breast hold me fast
Resigned to my destiny until I breathe my last

Whirling with murky souls of the long past
Then thrusting them with no regrets resolutely aside
Dwelling upon the present circumstances
Departing from my panicked thoughts with relief
I regain momentary sanity and retreat

Turning my attention to the future with a weary sigh
I wiped a single tear from my sleepless eyes
For when the silent night falls
And misty morning takes the stage
Upon cold polished marble floors
Once again unwillingly I will dance
Till the shadows fade

All Right Reserved @ Tammy M. Darby November 12, 2020
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