Sumi Iyengar

December 15th, Mumbai
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If I should not be…

If I should not be..
A kidney, a liver, blood pumping through veins
Reading Darcy’s letter, a tear down the cheek
A nightmare, quickened heartbeat, sour patch gummies
Is this me, would it matter if I should not be…

A memory, a fall, a chuckle, groped on the train
Stitches across the chin, dried rose petals inside a book, favorite blue scarf
Emotions, feelings, thoughts, regrets
Is this me, would it matter if I should not be…

Obsessive dissections of choices past, masochistic guilt of micro betrayals
Impromptu walks, breaking into song, marveling at tadpoles in the puddle
Embroidery, tattoos, fried plantains in the rain
Is this me, would it matter if I should not be…

Flashes of lives past, aches of loves past, missed opportunities of die cast
Hopes, dreams, wants, needs, demands unrealized
Timeless Archetypes channeled within, tired, spent corpus without
Is this me, would it matter if I should not be…
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