Steve McCaffery

1947 / Sheffield, England

Green Sahara

Across a green Sahara
the Neuter staggers to embarrassing enormity
tired of obedience to
the Martian anarchists' hermeticism
syncretic complexities relax into
the efficacy of transit
Ruben Dario is with it, Parnassian poet of Nicaragua
transitive in his casual nod to the long white beard
manipulating the molecular new words
in an architect's space.

Like tiny Oscar Wildes child traders hedge
their family traits by intelligent sequencing
vague, at first, through a Lenin fog
until their wounds no longer irritate

Darwinian operatives in the monkey penthouse
police the inside.
Rot reads itself
the galaxy contaminates its particle origin
a further index fragments what I cannot name
as Wolf Lip.

A clipped card might promulgate a limbo of reticence
in the final hum before dead air on her birthday

so kick the carcasses, get
catharsis from catastrophe.
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