rye .

October 16, 1999- India
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The ebony skies endowed with the avalanche of the tempest and rainstorms,

Eventually, euphoria cherishes, with silver lining emerging from the omniosity amidst the diminishing hailstorms.

A goldfinch doesn't learn to soar across the heavens right from its cradle,
With the passage of the unscrupulous time, it unfurls its wings ensheathed with mirth.

A phoenix burns in the sanguine blood of the imperious flames,
Nonetheless, it rises with the wings of gold, with an imperishable sentiment of vigor.

A floweret once blossomed in my ephemeral dreams, wilts within the cacophony of my mind,
It resurrects once again, harbouring this clamour of fraudulence.

Words embarking from the disconsolate wilderness of a thousand untold lies,
Maneovres its trail to the mausoleum of everlasting intimacy and amity.

A winter once bestowed with sombre of abhorrence and the hiraeth of poignancy,

Eventually gets encapsulated with the spring, which flourishes the soul of limerance.

Everything we must cascade through, whether of goodwill or immorality,
Alongside misery, the shaft of jubilance dawns over.

What a Serendipity it is!
When life unlatches a million idiosyncratic chances,
And a break in the clouds camouflaged within the shadows.
What a Serendipity it is!
When life rewards you with a testimony of compassion
At the brink of endangerment of my thoughts.
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