Soumili Karmakar

August 26, 2000 - India
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Too Far Away

Our rejoicing season is glad to have arrived
Lilacs and water lilies are all around in time.
The autumn has begun
As it seems, but the sun behind the distant cloud hides his tears
In guise of fallen dreams.

Oh, it has been a marvelous season!
For the butterflies to soar and sing the past years summer songs.
Despite, the drenching rain the sparrows are fluttering away in the wind.
I, stand here to witness the little ducklings running to the bossom of their mothers.

Oh, how I believe our autumn wind coming and floating with the surprises of sky!
Glory in the triumph hours shedding its light upon the world.
Light in the darkness
Darkness in the light
All submerges in the paradise.

Though, the power of reflection found in mother Nature and motherland
Unquestionably stand as the whole of our universe.
However, I wholeheartedly hear the melancholic tune of no restoration in solace.
As some of the nests are driven to fall in this season,
I hardly think of anything else than grief.

Grief, too, comes in many places
Perhaps, the most of it is found in mortal life.
But immortality is also a struggle
That silent streams with no respite
Hardly can manage to let the flowing time freeze .
Times when they want to be familiar with the language and signs of woods and the mountains.

Fate, what is it to believe?
Will it be possible to design before your creative hand a plan to live with dignity ?
Will it appease the heaven’s call if one was asked how to live life before birth ?
I must be going too far floating in clouds
Yet, unborn but still struggling in the womb of the Goddess.

One life and still millions of particles restoring your world.
Redemption is questionable at times.
I see through the hour’s glass,
Venus is praying for a forever in western skies
Will then the eastern blaze accept her?
Just as you have designed the sun rising in east.

The bridge to happiness
Through kindness and harmony sometimes appear to be a predicament to mankind.
I might be wrong, so I readily apologize to you.
Kindness still lives long with grief and glory.
They say only goods deeds shall remain ,
And on the judgement day we’ll be interrogated.

In which language do you ask for answers?
Answers that might have made life easier, but everytime I think
We have to go so far away to answer on the topic of our deeds.

When judgements should be made by you?
Why do the human heart along with its mind suffer so long?
Suffer in silence , sometimes embraces the grief
Because for the heavenly lesson that we call experience is lived.

I might never understand, I might have been too far from the aisles.
But since I’m too a particle of life
I hope someday, the process of your workings are inverted
So that mankind believes in goodness and humanity
Before fearing life and death.
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