Sherley T Abraham

November 1, 1981, Abu Dhabi
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The Living Candle

The Living Candle

Oh! Candle, thou shines where I dwell,
How long wilt thou live?
You melt and disappear for the abundance of light you shine
When wind blows upon you
You twist your face a while.

Oh! Candle, thou glows inspite of hurricanes,
How do you withstand this atmosphere?
You are called out of darkness by the Almighty
To proclaim the Good News,
Through the end of the universe.

Oh! Candle teach me to withstand as you do,
Help me to be pleasant in all situations,
To take wise decisions at the right time,
Guide me in the right path as His promise,
For we are Lighted to Lighten others.

~ Sherley Thankam Abraham

Intention of the poem:

The Candle in the poem is compared to those people gifted with the fruits of the HOLY SPIRIT like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humanity and self-control. It is totally about how we (child of God) are and should be. All of us are called here for a special purpose. We are called here to spread the light which have been lit on us by Jesus Christ to enlighten others.

"The Candle” in our life keeps glowing till your death if we don’t blasphemy the Holy Spirit.”
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