Shay Grace

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Selective Mutism

I'm not a mime, I am not dumb or retarded
I'm just scared and trapped, under wrong misconceptions
I'm inside a prison, not of my own making
My teeth are prison bars, that lock my voice inside
Selective mutism the lock on my prison cell
But I've forgotten the secret code to inscribe

My voice is a caged bird unable to break free
I want to fly with grace and speak without fear
But I remain in silence to never be heard
The thoughts in my head left me barely hanging on

Most never hear my voice, only awkward silence
I wish you knew I have a voice and opinions
That I can sing and I laugh and have a good time
That alone in my room I don't have to be mute

I'm fine in the walls of my home but in public
The devil will grab a grip on my vocal cords
Twisting them so tightly I will forget to breath
When I make eye contact like I'm supposed to do
I will see the reckless devil glaring back at me,
So then the blinding panic washes over me
There is no way out and the walls are closing in
They crumble and I find myself in the rebel

This forever happens when I'm in a large crowd
Or when I don't know you, you're a stranger to me
Maybe you walk just like my abusive father
or I'll meet a trigger that leaves me on my knees
I'm slow to trust as my disorder's from trauma
I work hard facing fears and I do try to speak
Plus I get a sticker when I do brave speaking

I have struggled in school from the fact I can't speak
My former fifth-grade English teacher made me stand
In front of the class for three treacherous weeks straight
She didn't care that I cried or I looked like a fool
All I wanted was to give that speech like a pro
I would have done anything to show that I could
Some of the kids laughed, and so I felt real bad

People became accustomed to me not talking
Invisible sitting in the back of the room
When the teacher asks for partners no one picks me
I'm left on my own and do the project alone

Once on a day in high school, a kid approached me
Asked if I wanted a tour, for I was a newbie
Little did he know that we shared snack in first grade
Or that in third, I was the one to beat him in
The science fair, the spelling bee, and the math club

I can not communicate to make brand new friends
No one can give me just two seconds of their time
Without classmates or teachers, I feel all alone
So I immerse myself in wonderful studies
Learning about bright stars and aliens on mars
Wishing to escape earth and fly to the moon,

As I grow up I've found ways to communicate
Like my sister understands, she knows what to say
she looks me in the eyes and helps me through the day
So I now know to navigate this world alone
I can go to the store to get the groceries
but on rainy days SM does come back to me

The term Selective Mutism is so misspoken
There is no selective because this isn't a choice
We'd give anything to fit in and be normal

Not everyone will understand and that's okay
But if you happen to meet someone with SM
Give them some patience, it will mean the world to them

These kids are incredibly brave and courageous
They've been abandon and have a story to tell
They've lost their key and no matter how hard they look
They won't find the key until someone helps them out

Make it your mission to make that person be you
All you have to do is simply smile, show them that
They're not alone and that you actually care.
I can guarantee they will not talk at first but
After a while, they will show you their inner light
You'll soon come to realize how amazing they are
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