Shay Grace

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Body I Hate You

Body I fucking hate everything about you
with a flaming passion so great
you are so flawed in every way
I have never been proud of you
you need to be punished harshly

Body I fucking hate everything about you
I starved you day in and day out.
I tortured you with bites of food
purged just before you could have it.
it felt so good, my sweet revenge.

Body I fucking hate everything about you
The lines that I have scattered over you
everywhere from my ankles to my wrist
they look so dirty, but yet they're pretty
show the battles I fought, the wars I've won

Body I fucking hate everything about you
I compare myself to others
I find we do not measure up,
nothing is ever good enough
clothes, hair, jewelry, or makeup
too pudgy, fat, too weird-looking

Body I fucking hate everything about you
you're my biggest embarrassing
you're ugly, abnormal, shameful
you absolutely disgust me.
tummy jiggles, legs are scrawny,
you are weak, you are unworthy.

Body I fucking hate everything about you
the squatty, short-waisted body
with short, stocky legs, and thick thighs
broad wide shoulders, and big fat arms.
why can't you get any taller,
I would look better more slender.

Body I fucking hate everything about you
I hate being conscious of you
during every waking moment.
I hate seeing you in mirrors.
I hate always sucking in our
stomach to appear thinner then
we are and something that we're not.

Body I fucking hate everything about you
I can't possibly express the pain you've caused me
you are all I care about, you're in all my thoughts
you consume my mind and control all my actions
you're the one thing I always remember hating

Body I fucking hate everything about you
you're my enemy, no friend of mine
you have put me through the lowest times
if we can never be good enough
then why are even we still living
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