Sarah Miller

I like poems:) So i tried to write some and here they are:)
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Best friend

I need a best friend
Someone who knows me
Who i can do nothing with
And complain about the world

If i had a best friend right now
Id tell her how im lonely
And how hard it is to make friends
And how i'm not made for it

As i look for her i notice how everyone has one
Even people who didn’t ,now they do
But i can’t seem to find one
Is it me?Is it that I'm no fun?

My mom asked me if i could name a significant friend
I couldn’t, and told her it was too early, that i would make one
But i was lying, i don’t even know where to start
I'm just being nice to everyone and i'm tired

I can’t pretend anymore
I have to be myself, not a only silent happy person
A bookworm, who loves long tv shows
A good student,a rubix cube solver
A crocheter
A Harry potter fan who’s read the books
And who prefers percy jackson
A lover, a dedicated person
A listener, a good daughter
A good person

So instead of venting to a friend
Im venting to paper
An non-living object
Cause no one else would take me
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