Sandra Kavanagh Josefsson

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Make your heartbeat match the beat of nature.

Make your heartbeat match
with the beat of nature.
Lift your face to the sun
and embrace its rays.
Smell the enticing aroma
of the beautiful roses,
that adorn this wonderful place.

Listen to the blackbird singing joyously in the magnificent oak.
Watch the bumble bee dance amongst the luminous petals.
See the clouds drift by on a breezy day.
Enjoy the lambs playing in the fields
of newly cut hay.

At night, look to the stars,
sparkling and celestial.
Listen to the howl of the wolf,
as the full moon lears in the sky.
Notice the deer as he eats the shrubs that are essential.
See the hare as he runs on by.

Make your heartbeat match
the beat of nature.
Lift your face to the sun
and embrace its rays.
Smell the enticing aroma of the
beautiful roses,
that adorn this wonderful place.

Verse: Sandra Kavanagh (c).
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