Saleh Ben Saleh

Tripoli - Libya April 8, 1967
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The World of Hypocrites

Isn’t it ironic that man makes laws to be upheld? but for his own sake can be broken. It is the simple man who always pays the price, while the ones in power receive a token.

Why don’t our leaders speak the truth? but in the name of democracy, raise their slogan. How can your laws serve their purpose? if not the truth, they have spoken.

Your untruthful faces seem so pale, as if from your grave, you have woken. Why don’t you leave the people in peace? Or is it from shame, that your tongues have frozen.

Haven’t your mind's yet perceived, if not for your voters, you would have not been chosen. So we say again, leave in peace, before the sleeping giant has awoken.

Saleh Ben Saleh
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