Saleh Ben Saleh

Tripoli - Libya April 8, 1967
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Facts of Life

In words I find serenity,
simple or just too plain.
And in life I seek wisdom,
in words of the insane.
My lips reject profanity,
coerced or merely in pain.
No point in being vulgar,
politeness I should attain.
No one is near perfect,
benevolent or humane.
When humble and not too pompous,
respect I am to gain.

No word shall outlive wisdom,
in hearts or in the brain.
My words can be bitter,
when failing to refrain.
If needed I am present,
of duty I can’t complain.
What good is solid friendship?
if friendship we can’t sustain.
Good deeds will get you credit,
successful or in vain.
If I am to be a martyr,
in battle I should be slain.
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