Ryan Alchakaki

1962 / Hama / Syria

Castle Of Dreams

The journey of birth
In the mid age of the seas
Had reached its ultimate.
Two love birds,
Two creations of the soul
In a castle of illusion;
A castle of dreams -
planted on a vast greenish hill,
Overlooking the outreaching space
Above the calm ocean blue waves,
They both cared and loved..
The damp sand walls, and -
The floors of shells hanging in the air,
All held with bonds of love and passion,
Cast in the spirit of giving,
Came upon the self, and shook the dream,
When Beauty said: 'Leaving me now dear !'
Disappointed she was, she waved good-bye,
With a slim hope for return.
To him, thereat,
With no castle to remember,
The strong wind, the cloudy skies,
And the deep ocean with high tides,
All appeared meaningless
In the eyes of the knight of all times,
The lover of Beauty
As he entered the zone of the thinning air.
'Freedom' he whispered to the self;
And the clouds below and the stars above
All repeated and claimed that,
His word of wisdom
He, the "Knight of Times"
Swam through
To the other corner of the cosmos,
In the waters of hate and ugliness
Towards those
Who needed the loving and rich soul,
In the meaning of the older dream
Of the left-behind castle of illusion.
Through the trip in the side of the dream,
One rescue followed another.
He earned the shades of the stars,
And, therefrom, once again
He disappeared into the sad reality.
The beauty of the hill,
The castle, the theater of the love dream,
The soothing sound of the white ocean wave,
And the morning glamour of the sun rays
Had all turned into dust and haze,
And, so vanished in the path of sadness.
She, Beauty, cried and cried again
For her stone-hearted man, that,
The Knight of Times.
The story of hope,
The finish of the long climb,
And all the evening talks
On the patio of the wet sand and misty air,
And the tower of pride,
Or, yet, on the sense of a feeling wave
Ended with a blink of an eye,
In a vision of nature's dream...
Visitors of the land of sand, thereof
Turned into sound stones, statues,
And became people of the stone
High, massive waves of the seas
Broke the shells, and hopes
On the illusion of rocks.
They destroyed the coast
And the sequence of thoughts.
Impossible was no dream.
The rocks of the scene made of cardboard,
In the path of the breeze
Went away with the flowers of the shadow
Into the source of the flaming sun,
And cried with tears for the man,
Howled with a voice of sadness
Calling the Knight of Times
To fill up the illusion, as
The dream castle of Beauty.
They brought the heart and shaking core -
Of the castle
Through a meaningful and real dream,
And also turned the illusion
To a fake imagination
In the mind of the wondering and slowing...
No walls of love,
Holding the floors of air
In the shades of compassion,
No sand, no hill, no white waves,
No dreams,
Nor blue waves or memories
To tell the stories of the past
To those visitors, people of the times
Inside and around the castle of illusion
And the series of dreams.
The vague castle stood alone
Under no one's vision
For a thousand and one years.
The rain, winds,
And the waves on the image of rocks
With human hands outside the dream,
All sought and saw no sand walls,
And no air floors; no Beauty
In the dream of the hill of the mind.
Was love dead ?
was it a passing breeze -
with no fragrance or trace?
When one looked,
The rooms and cells of Beauty,
The thrust of the dream, the harmony
And the note of love
Were all in a state of coma and senseless
In the mist of the years
And the phony joy of a soul,
Which had no role, therein.
'Here I come alive again' she said,
'The dreams and specially I of all'
'Shall strive and strive alone'
'With pain and loneliness.'
The echo of her voice
In the range of compassion of love,
and the raging soul,
Crossed the high warming air
And the dome of the atmosphere.
When it reached the end of the space,
And the tips of the farthest waves,
The vibration of her vocal chords
Shook the waters and creatures of the seas.
'O' my, the Dragon of the waters',
'Big, dark, ugly, evil,'
'And the tomorrow owner of the seas.'
'This is that, there, the king of all, awake.'
'It is the keeper of the beach, castle of dreams,'
'And the hill, and the capture of the soul,'
She, Beauty said to the spirit and herself,
'Tomorrow's castle is gone.'
'No love of the self will come upon the dream,'
"to touch and to nurse,"
'And no sails will stand against the firewind"
"And the giant waves.'
Then, the dust went away
For a long period of time
To rest and to branch onto the night,
And the dragon, and the dreams of terror
Failed to sink out of the dream,
And the illusion of the castle on the hill.
The dragon, the curse
And his knights of evil
Returned to the range of her mind
And her fragile dream;
and Beauty came for a hide
Her red-spotted dress was left behind.
The far away love, Knight of Times
seemed to enter in the mouth
Of the beast and hill keeper, the dragon.
She looked
A thousand and one years back,
And another thousand and one miles away.
The dream, then was a story
Of Santa, the dear, and bell.
The story was a tale
Of the old west and the jail.
(How did they know?)
The dragon of the waters
With power of steel,
Made all swords of crime
And with curse,
Made the knights of evil.
The vision of the shades
And the visitors,
People of the stone
Around the castle of the dream
Fled the vast hill alive
Then died in the inland caves,
In piles of bones,
Thus, the fear, the nightmare, the dragon
And the crimes,
Awakened the dead.
They marched inside into the deep,
Into the darker caves,
In the mounts of reality.
The warmth, the heat,
And the flare of hate
Cursed all souls
Altered the spirits
Broke the lines and chains of dreams,
Though, reality was a worse dream
For those, the dead.
The beauty, or Beauty looked flat,
And dead-like on the sides of the hill,
Refused to flee the dream castle,
To the caves of the dead.
The dragon and the knights of evil
With swords of death,
They all slept on the pale greenless hill
And snored through the story
For a thousand and one years.
The stars, shiny and bright, flash,
The Beauty flat on the hill
Smashed by the heavy dream
Of the dragon and his knights,
With a vision of
One eye half-open
And the other closed,
Looked at the light, stared,
And knew it was the shining stars.
Beauty said to the beasts,
The dragon and knights of evil:
'Love is in the spirit of the air above,'
'The stars of the Knight of Times'
'Wait and the curse is all yours, take it,'
'Kill me again, try, I never die,'
'I am a dream, imagination of your thoughts.'
The dragon rose from a dream
To another dream
And knights of the evil followed the dream.
Beauty waited by the hill,
Climbing a mild slope, slowly
Tired, exhausted, and breathless,
Facing the skies, and the dream,
She smiled.
It was round, smooth, and fast,
The flying ship without a sail
Above the scattered thin clouds
Between the starts and the dream,
Appeared -
As a ghost of the man of times
And beauty of peace.
He penetrated the thick string -
Of the lower cloudy cast,
Fought the echo of curse
And the dragon, the knights
And the flames of fire blended with the waves,
About the air of the neighboring seas.
Slipping into the sheets of Beauty
Under the clouds, he said:
'Tell them to worry not'
'Say to them: Alive leave all caves'
'Come to the hill, to the shores of beauty'
'And meanings of beauty.'
'Give them love, of that you gave to me'
'Thousands years ago and miles back'
'O' Beauty, climb to the castle, I am back.'
And the dragon and his knights
Flared up.
The waters of the seas raging,
Red, deep and angry,
Lines of flames danced on the waves
With ugliness of the reefs,
And the deep waves were mounts of fear.
'The battle began here.' Beauty said.
The man, Knight of Times, and lover of beauty,
Brave, strong and slick,
Flue over and down through, and thereof,
Cracked the waves, shook the air, blew the reek
And beat the dragon's head and flare.
The curse sank, and vanished,
To the deepest slump
And no dragon and no evil knights
Ever appeared on the waves.
People of the stone, alive on the hilly shores,
They applauded.
Over and over, the Knight of Times
Swam in floods of the dream.
To beauty he said: 'you are mine'
'And you are my old and new life'
The wet sand walls of the dream castle,
Reflected all the sunshine,
And the rainbow of the coast on the hill.
The brightened lights of the dream
Rose to reality of life, the castle of love.
People of the stone, ran and ran
To the curse-free air and waters -
Of the seas and beauty.
'O' my, my dream and love'
'Hold my walls, body, and soul'
'Let no years come between' she said.
In a room of the castle,
The man of times, lover, came close,
Holding a pink candle stick lit with dreams,
And a beautiful rose on a green stem,
He told Beauty with a whispering voice:
'I brought love, and beauty to those -
Who are indeed worthy,'
'But, now I must go, I must go, forgive me!'
The breeze, misty and cold
Refused to leave and held tight.
Thoughts began to unfold.
No wings of freedom,
Broken feathers covered the vast hill,
And filled the air of the sinking castle,
No Beauty or beauty of the soul,
No dream, no castle of illusion or love.
The man, Knight of Times,
Was a curse lifter, a fighter too,
No lover -
Of the soul and self or beauty alone.
He loved Beauty in all, and peace
And the calm, smooth sight of the seas.
He was the friend and lover of all spirits.
Through another trip,
He was a bright star again,
Behind a way of thickening clouds.
She cried; broke the dream,
And through the years and years
Turned wicked, full of hate and anger.
On another side of the shores
Joy and greatness filled the air,
The hills and the folds of the waves.
Pleasure came upon the souls -
Of the people of the stone,
As they watched the Knight of Times
Becoming a permanent star, there
Above the clouds they did worship.
Beauty left that, the castle of dream,
She blew her real dream away,
In the smoke and dust of the remains -
Of the dragon and knights of evil,
And all the flames that died before.
The walls, the floors, and so the doors,
Tumbled down in a large hole
In the middle of what used to be -
The green vast hill.
'I am the princess of hate' Beauty said,
'I am the motivating spirit of curse'
'To all, I shall change my name and spread'.
She, then walked on across the waves,
For a thousand years and one
She played,
Searched the dragon and curse.
From a dark hole in the seas,
She pulled out the dead of the dragon.
Cold, ashy, and lifeless it appeared.
And life of the second dream
Looked fake after the mid age of the seas.
Beauty was unable to keep the curse
In the air or in the spirits.
She, therefore waited again,
Giving up the curse attempts,
And the hate entrance.
'I shall wait again for a space knight'
'Who would love only and only Beauty'
'He is in the near air.'
'I can see him through time -'
'With the sense of all love' Beauty said.
People of the stone,
Happy and content along with sea birds
Told beauty a tale -
About care, and lots of share;
And Beauty who re-earned her name,
Listened, and came back.
With flowers, misty air and sand built in the dream
And cleaned the past track.
The people, and the birds helped Beauty -
Gain her dream in the new castle.
And Beauty thereafter practiced more dreams -
Of love, care and share,
With those who cared.
Years went by through the dreams
And vision of hope.
A new, special man of time moved -
Across the horizon through the stars
And through the clouds of the high flowers.
He, the man was ordinary, no dragon killer
Nor curse lifter.
He was no worrier, simple and caring.
Indeed, Beauty's man ported -
On the love pad of the new castle of dream.
This time, he stayed.
The people smiled, the birds sang,
And all roses came alive colorful and plump.
The castle was a real shadow again,
In the dream of Beauty.
The real stone walls, the sound floors,
With tall towers and a steel door,
Marked the green and yellow hill of love.
Love is life.
'Love is a soul' she said.
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