Ruhool Ahmad Kawa

January 9,2001- Jammu and Kashmir
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In search of truth

Fly, and can't find you
They are out of steroids
Have no clue,
Where to find you ??
Lie, and can't reach you
They are out of surprises
Wraps lie in corner, unpacked
And I'm out of glue
Where to find you ??
Locked, and can't hold you
They are out of affection
And I can't hold a hand or two
Where to find you ??
Cleaned, rest in waterloo
They are out of beverage
AndI can't brew
Where to find you ??
Invisible, and you can't see through
They are out of joy
Lips are dry, Cracked too
Your curves are out of view
And I feel deja vu
Where to find you ??
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