"Standing in the water, of my grave!
One Step from the old man crucified!"
Washed up on God's shore in, baptized wave.
While, Angels, "Shout!" where they abide.
Walking, from, the water of the dead.
"Ascending", to... "The rock!" on which I stand.
"Rock of Ages"... "Now"... in you, I'm bred.
"Rooting root of Jesse! in your hand!"
Walking off, the miles, "God's brand-new kid!"
Stomping, out the mud-holes in "The Way".
Stumping, toes on stones that Satan, "Hid!"
"Black-Eyes on, the School-Ground where, I pray!"
"Brilliant!" is "The light", of my inside.
Burning, out the future of my past
Eating from the table of "God's" in-tide!
Bread upon, the waters that I've cast!"