Baramundi Roy

August 30, 1946 - UK
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Where were you?

Where were you, when I laid earth's foundation
and stars sang with angels at creation,
when upon the threshold of time and space
I flung the mighty galaxies into place?

Where were you, at the dawning of that day,
when firstborn light sped forth upon its way,
as into the darkness its' rays disperse
lighting the vastness of the universe?

Woe is me Lord for I am a mortal man
and I was not there when the world began.
I saw not those heavenly bodies made
or the acts of creation You displayed.

But now, my soul within me has been stirred,
and I was enthralled as I read Your word.
With eyes of faith I saw what You had done
The power of God. The Almighty One.

My spirit sings as I address my praise,
to mighty God, the Ancient of Days.
Who was, Who is, and Who will always be.
Before the Beginning and beyond eternity.
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