He is gone, he is gone,
The beautiful child!
He is gone, he is gone,
And the mother went wild.
Babble all silent,
Warm heart is cold;
All that remains now
The hair's living gold!
Summer hath faded
Out of his eyes,
On his mouth ne'er a ripple
Of melodies!
O where will be joy now,
To-morrow, to-day?
O where is our boy now?
Far, far away!
Light is but darkness,
Unshining from him;
Sound is but silence,
And all the world dim!
Spring's in the air!
I feel him to-day,
Spring's in the air,
He's on the way!
Warmth in the air,
Cold in my heart,
Winter is there,
Never to part!
Snowdrop asleep in the
Loosening mould,
Crocus apeep with thy
Flame-tip of gold,
Lark song who leapest
Aloft, young and bold,
My heart groweth old, for
Joy lieth cold!