Robert Rittel

05 February 1960
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Curriculum vita in a perfect suit for the over emphasized job,
overwritten obituaries by all means towards the career to the top.
Artificial titles painting in phrase the landscape of the desire,
everybody loves a piece of paper with their name to admire.
Experts and highly trained specialized managers filling the dots,
functional mediocrity in responsible hierarchy for perfect slots.
Credited assurance in advance for long time chain reaction,
procedures towards the hatching office block satisfaction.
Glorious evolution in colored spread sheets entangled,
management in need of young and hungry wills commingled.
Names of schooling as prestige by all credit and expense,
honors taken in ceremonies to arouse all senses.
Dopamine for the ego’s rejuvenation as bonus,
reality check up at times to proof, so ferocious.
Everyone gets justified by a fiction curriculum,
mental doctrine harbored in a cubiculum.
Values from the past in other circumstance survived,
the name and its black and white calling have arrived.
Via veritas vita, by authorities by all means implemented,
leadership without vision will always act demented.
If the ideal is the reason to proof of what you are by the dot,
it will be of no good trying to proof what are not.
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