The rooster posted notices the animals to warn,
That they should meet last evening in the shadow of the
barn ;
For the Earl of Eramosa was going to the fair,
And he hoped that everybody would assuredly be there ;
For the Earl of Eramosa is a bull of high renown :
He was booked for exhibition in the great Toronto town ;
He hoped that at the meeting every person would be seen,
To give the Earl a send-off and ' God save the Queen.'
The gathering took place and every one was there ;
An aged ram (a Cots wold) was voted to the chair:
I 'm glad to see our people of the pasture and the pen ;
We 've met to give a send-off to a feller citizen ;
That he will do us proud there 's none of us is fearing
He'll win the prize (cheers) diploma, too (loud and
continued cheering):
His very many virtues I need not here express,
So I '11 call upon Miss Buttercup to read him an address.'
Upon a rhubarb leaf she had her speech engrossed ;
Miss Buttercup stood up in the middle of the host :
She read it very nicely I need not give it here
Enough to say 'twas logical and luminous and clear.
She hoped he 'd be successful, for the glory of the cause,
At the wondrous exhibition (loud and long applause):
She hoped that when from fair to fair the noble Earl
would roam
He never would forget his many friends at home.
The Earl of Eramosa rose ; the tears were in his eyes ;
He said : ' Dear friends and comrades all, you take me by
surprise ;
Me heart is full (sensation) I know not what to say ;
I '11 do my best (hear, hear) my best to win the day.
And when I have returned then every one shall see
That calf, nor colt, nor hen, nor horse shall need to blush
for me ;
Nor pig, nor duck' the rooster in ecstasy upflew,
And, 'mid tremendous cheering, shouted, ' Cock a doodle
They stood and cheered, and cheered, and cheered, till
dusky were their thrapples ;
The farmer brought a wagon load of toothsome harvest
And then they had a happy time enjoyed a noble feast ;
They kept the entertainment up till daylight tinged the
The Earl was very happy to thank them did not fail ;
And everybody wished him luck, and shook him by the
And then they formed a circle the sight was very fine
When the rooster led the chorus in ' Auld Lang Syne.'