Robert Kirklan Kernighan

25 April 1854 – 3 November 1926 / Ontario

Kiss Her Everyday

Reader, have you got a wife?

Kiss her ev'ry day.
'Tis the duty of your life

To kiss her ev'ry day.
Tell her that the world is graced
By such as she, the true, the chaste ;
Then put your arm around her w r aist,

And kiss her ev'ry day.

Tell her that she's growing prettier

Every dawning day ;
Dearer, nearer, wiser, wittier

Kiss her ev'ry day.
Many lives are graveward carried,
Wounded, bruised and hurt and harried :
Courting ceased when they were married-

Often that's the way.

Tell your wife how much you 'd miss her

If she went away.
Take her in your arms and kiss her

Many times a day.
Tell her she 's your life and crown,
Never leave her with a frown,
Keep your ugly temper down,

And kiss her ev'ry day.

Winter, summer, rain or shine,
Never sulk and blame ;
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