She is like a soft caress
In her pretty print dress,
And blushingly she tells me that it cost her just a dollar ;
But she 's pretty as a picture, with her linen cuffs and
And her fifty cent hat-
There 's an anthem hid in that
And the reason that I like it is, it hides no shining tress ;
It matches cuffs and collar and the pretty print dress.
Each little canvas shoe
Keeps saying ' Sir,' to you,
When she 's walking in the sunshine in the August
Or by the inland ocean, beneath a harvest moon ;
And the little strip of stocking
Seems mocking, mocking, mocking,
And it fills the very angels that are watching with distress ;
But that shoe and stocking matches the pretty print dress.
So I buy a bunch of roses,
And soon my gift reposes
Upon the dainty bosom of her pretty print dress.
(I love to see the roses her innocence caress).
And when I praise her outfit
She takes a little pout fit,
And she hangs her pretty head as if in great distress ;
But she knows I think she 's lovely in her pretty print
1 9 o
She made that dress herself
(The handy little elf!)
She trimmed that wondrous hat, also, with cunning fingers
nimble ;
(A little humming bird's egg would make too large a
thimble ! )
And when she goes out walking,
It 's really no use talking,
The admiration that I feel I scarcely can repress,
When I see her shioing in the sun in her pretty print