Robert Kirklan Kernighan

25 April 1854 – 3 November 1926 / Ontario

Filling Up The Barn

The barn is full of barley and it 's loaded up with wheat :
They are pulling at the peas and the oats are all in

shock ;

The brown-armed boys that did it a-toiling in the heat,
Have made themselves this winter as solid as a rock :
Underneath the kitchen there 's a barrel full of meat,
And lovely gilt-edge butter 's nicely packed inside a

There are heroes made of muscle and splendid bone and

brawn :
They can slash the solid maple in the winter by the

So early in the morning they are up before the dawn

To feed the grateful cattle with the best they can afford ;
And they feed the watchful poultry on the wide and

pleasant lawn

They do it for their fellows and the glory of the Lord,
But while they labor steadily they live upon the best ;
You ought to see the table where these hearty fellows

Preserves and cake and apple-pie each stores inside his


To see them at the biscuits hot is really quite a treat ;
For the farmer girls as bakers have always stood the test :
They are sweeter than their citrons and richer than
their wheat.
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