In a corner of the room, my body
was operating its factory
of relations
Decisions are not self-explanatory,
they resist the questionnaire
of pleasure
and they are
obliged to ignore
consequences of causes,
such as movement and encounter
Hands cupped are raised
to the face at the same time
that it addresses them
without them getting lost
along the way
Breathing through the mouth, with
no time to lose between the
oxygenation of the brain
itself and that of
the environment
generally, he
spoke loudly and precisely:
the sudden steepness that runs
though the mouthline
from the fish to the hand
of the fisherman, a hook:
bait, fish
But this image does not
find an equivalence
in my organism and
once again I look
at my feet
Alone and empty
like one who´s just
given birth like one
who´s just ejaculated
empty and alone
and I only calmed down
upon repeating duration duration
duration movement
slide the letters under
the door if there are any
Unfortunately I shan´t be able
to go to São Paulo for the
time being but surely
we shall see each other
before you go
hugs and kisses
in beams of our departing
in the bams of what awaits us
The progressive emptying
of the lungs restarting
right away
There´s no transition more
subtle than the one forgotten
at midnight
and between epidermis
derma muscle
bone all
a gradation
of the spectacles
of the world
turn out the light you nightman I mean knight man
Breviary of secretions
of the morning:
§ a common salivating indeed
in the midst of
recent dehydration
§ habitual ejaculation
before the fasting
§ a normal bleeding
in the bathroom sink
colors my mouth
sensation of freshness and fear
Translated by Charles A. Perrone