THOU God of might, who dost o'er hosts preside,
Who dost alone the doubtful battle guide,
Who dost alone the joyful vict'ry gain,
O hear my prayer in this dread campaign!
Here in the crown's, our king and country's right,
We, for our lands, our goods, and nation, fight
With a perfidious and invet'rate foe,
That always seeks this kingdom's overthrow.
Confound, O Lord! each mischievous intent,
Each plot and stratagem our foes invent,
Their strength diminish, and their pride abate,
Assuage their malice, blunt their keen-edg'd hate.
Be thou, O Lord! thy feeble servants friend,
That we may manfully the crown defend;
And give us strength, however weak and few,
Those pow'rful foes to conquer and subdue.
Do thou, O God! our fainting hearts revive,
Do thou, our enemies before us drive,
With terror and dismay their bosoms fill,
With shame and foul defeat pursue them still.
Though we be but a small and feeble band,
Compar'd to those who in their army stand;
Yet are we furnish'd with sufficient might,
If thou, O Lord, wilt for thy servants fight.
I know, O Lord! thy power is not less
In few than many - thou canst grant success
E'en to the weakest - and dost oft delight
Against the strongest to exert thy might.
Thy servant Gideon thou didst erst employ,
The Midianites vast army to destroy,
Though but three hundred form'd his slender band,
And they, like locusts, cumber'd all the land.
Jonathan and his armour-bearer, erst,
Unnumber'd foes successfully disper'sd:
When thou their souls didst with amazement fill,
Who cou'd resist, or countermand thy will!
Thou gavest Shamgar such resistless pow'r,
Six hundred with a goad he slew of yore,
And Samson, with unequall'd strength endu'd,
A thousand with an ass's jaw subdu'd.
A woman's artless hand thou didst employ,
Jabin's head-captain Sisera, to destroy.
The stars themselves, arrang'd in just array,
For Israel fought, that memorable day!
So, if for us it be thy will to fight,
Thou canst supply us with sufficient might,
Our foes to conquer on th' embattled plain;
Though we be but a small and feeble train.
If thou, O Lord! appearest on our side,
The heaven's, the earth, the ocean's furious tide,
The sun and moon, and ev'ry wind that blows,
Will join with us to war against our foes.
If thou to favour us art well inclin'd,
Nor Turk, nor Pope, nor Spaniard, need we mind:
Nay, though against us hell itself shou'd push,
We need not value hell itself a rush.
Thou hast thyself, O Lord! a warrior show'd,
Thou only art with skill and strength endow'd,
Thou art the Giver of the laurel-wreath,
Thou art our Shield against the pow'r of death.
'Tis thou, that stoppest war's rage, ev'ry where,
'Tis thou, that snappest-short the pointed spear,
'Tis thou, that ti'st the war-horse to his stall,
'Tis thou, that art the conqueror of all!
Do thou give comfort to each drooping heart,
Do thou unto our sinews strength impart,
Do thou to us true martial skill afford,
That we may fight the battles of the Lord.
Like Joshua, make thou our leaders strong,
That they like him, may chase the hostile throng,
Their schemes and stratagems do thou attend,
That they may bring them to a prosp'rous end.
Strength, brav'ry, knowledge, puissance, impart
To all our soldier's, and a lion's heart :
Might, will, and diligence on each bestow,
That he may fearlessly confront his foe.
Around us let thy angels sentry keep,
And from our foes protect us, whilst we sleep:
A chosen troop of thy chief warriors send,
From war's fierce rage thy servants to defend.
Do thou, O Lord! o'er all our host preside,
And with thy wisdom all our actions guide:
May all of us thy sacred law fulfil,
And nothing do repugnant to thy will.
Let us unto the King pay homage due,
Let's to our fellow-citizens be true,
Let us obedient to our leaders prove,
And in our quarters live in peace and love.
Make each of us contented with his pay,
Let us not take our neighbour's goods away,
Let none of us oppress, or high or low,
But aweful rev'rence to thy dictates show.
Let us in no disorders e'er engage,
Nor any of our company enrage,
Nor with our leaders mutinously strive,
Nor in vile courses and debauch'ry live.
Let us no wife or maiden e'er oppress,
Let us not any tender heart distress;
Lest thou thy wrath against such deeds shou'dst show,
And yield us up a prey unto the foe.
Makes us all live, whilst by the foe beset,
As if we all were in thy temple met,
And make us call upon thee, ev'ry hour,
To aid, and keep us by thy mighty pow'r.
As we are daily at the gates of death,
Near the spear's point and gun's destroying breath,
Let us each moment in thy fear abide,
And cast our vile enormities aside.
Since none, O Lord! the hour or minute know,
When they to thee a just account must show,
O, may our lives be righteous and sincere,
Before we at thy judgement seat appear!
Prepare us, Lord! that we to thee may come,
And make us ready to receive our doom,
Let us not live in sin a single hour,
Lest unawares it shou'd our souls o'erpow'r.
Permit us not in evil to proceed,
Or the commission of a single deed,
Which at thy dread tribunal must be known,
When we with shame appear before thy throne.
Save us, O Lord! who call upon thy name,
But overwhelm our enemies with shame:
Our gracious Sov'reign and his Kingdoms bless,
And crown our arms with conquest and success!