Come all ye nations of the earth -
Come all with jollity and mirth,
And with gay heart the praises sing
Of God your Saviour and your King!
Come ev'ry one, both great and small -
Come all, that tread this earthly ball -
Come all, and in your God rejoice
With cheerful heart, and tuneful voice!
This truth, let ev'ry creature know,
'The Lord above, is God below,
'That he is Sov'reign o'er all lands,
'That he the universe commands.'
Know, 'twas not you yourselves that made
Those curious forms, without his aid;
But, from the dust, his plastic hand
His sheep, and little children, plann'd.
Then enter to his gates with praise,
And in his courts your voices raise:
At early morn, and ev'ning late,
Let all their Maker celebrate.
With awe into his temple go,
For it is decent so to do;
'Tis right his praises to proclaim,
And magnify his holy name.
For He, kind, merciful, and good,
Has pity to his people show'd:
From age to age his word remains,
And, to Eternity, He reigns!