- A Comfortable Conference
- A Grace, Before Supper
- A Hymn, Or Carol, For Christmas-Day
- A Hymn, To Be Sung Before One Goes To Sleep
- A Letter From Sir Lewis Mansel Of Margam,
- A Memento Mori -- Or Remember Death
- A Midnight Meditation
- A Morning Prayer,
- A Morning Thanksgiving When We First Awake
- A Poem, On The Year 1629,
- A Prayer Against The Temptations
- A Prayer At Going To Bed
- A Prayer For A Clergyman,
- A Prayer For A Sick Person
- A Prayer For A Sick Person Before He Takes Physic
- A Prayer For Mr. Samuel Prichard,
- A Prayer For The Church
- A Prayer For Them,
- A Prayer On The Same Occasion
- A Prayer To Be Said
- A Prayer To Direct
- A Prayer, Against The Oppression Of One's Foe.
- A Prayer, Concerning The Government Of Our Words And Lips, &C.
- A Prayer, Whilst Thou Art Dressing,
- A Preparation For The Holy Communion
- A Rebuke
- A Rehearsal Of Christ's Love Towards The World
- A Short Dissertation Against
- A Short Prayer
- A Short Prayer, On The Same Occasion
- A Song Concerning The Devil And The Drunkard
- A Thanksgiving For Fire
- A Thanksgiving, For Relief From One's Enemies
- A Warning Against Oppression
- A Warning To Guard
- A Warning To The Welsh
- A Warning, Or Admonition,
- Adam's Race
- Advice And Warning To The Adulterer
- Advice Concerning Eating And Drinking
- Advice To A Sinner
- Advice To A Soldier
- Advice To A Woman
- Advice To A Young Man
- Advice To A Youth
- Advice To Avoid Bad Company
- Advice To Believe In Christ
- Advice To Distribute To The Poor
- Advice To Ev'Ry Master Of A Family, To Govern His House In A Religious Manner
- Advice To Hear