Bless thou the victuals which now deck this board,
Impart such nutriment to them, O Lord!
That they our bodies may invig'rate so,
That we may serve thee, as we ought to do.
Though many of our meats are mighty nice,
Yet in them all no innate virtue lies
To feed us, or our hunger to repress,
If thou thyself didst not the creatures bless.
Pour then thy blessing on the gifts, O Lord!
Wherewith so freely thou hast crown'd this board;
Give them nutritious juices from above
To feed us, and our hunger to remove.
As the varieties, whereon we feed,
Oft indigestions in our stomachs breed,
And dangerous diseases oft arise,
Because we were intemp'rate and unwise:
Thy grace on us, most holy God! bestow
That we such temp'rance at our meals may show,
That our provisions hunger may appease,
And neither cause distemper, or disease.
Infuse thro' them, to us such pow'r and might,
That each of us may worship thee aright,
And in his calling, thy bless'd name adore,
For Jesus' sake, who saves us by his pow'r.