Let ev'ry one, that hears my voice,
And understands my words, rejoice;
Let ev'ry one applaud with me
The undivided Trinity.
O turn, and tune your hearts aright,
In psalms and hymns let's all unite
In honour of the Saviour born
To us, on this auspicious morn!
It is upon this happy day
That Christians shou'd be blithe and gay,
And ev'ry hour thereof employ
To manifest their well-tim'd joy.
For on this great, this glorious morn,
The Saviour of the world was born:
And, O! how vastly bless'd are we,
This great and glorious morn to see!
This is th' important day, that brought
To ev'ry Christian, what he sought,
This is the day, that gave the blow,
Foretold unto our mortal foe!
This is the day, that did retrieve
The happiness, we lost through Eve
And Adam's fault, ere Jesus came
To save our souls from death and shame.
This is the day, that broke the net,
Wherewith we all were once beset,
This is the day, so fraught with woe
To Satan, our deluding foe.
This is the blest, momentous morn,
Whereon the Son of God was born,
The Woman's seed, ordain'd of yore
To over-turn the serpent's pow'r.
Then let us, with united voice,
Upon this hallow'd day rejoice,
And ne'er dismiss the pleasing thought
Of the salvation Jesus wrought.
O, let us ever bear in mind,
And bless, his name, who was so kind
As unto us, his help to give,
And a whole sinful world relieve!
O, let us celebrate his fame,
And magnify his holy name
Each day and night, and ev'ry hour
We live, unto our utmost pow'r!
For us He also bore the loss
Of his best blood upon the cross -
And unto God, for ever bless'd,
He made us friends, from foes profess'd.
He wash'd us clean from ev'ry fault -
Our souls, he generously bought -
And will conduct us to the sky,
However loud our vices cry.
O, let us then his praise proclaim,
And night and day exalt his fame;
For you must be extremely blind,
If you do not such goodness mind!
O, let us all exalt his fame,
On this great feast, which bears his name,
With peace, with piety, with love,
And ev'ry virtue that's above.
This feast let us entirely spend
In true devotion, to its end,
Nor any worldly thoughts admit :
But keep it holy, as is fit.
Let us avoid all foul excess,
All rioting and wantonness,
And to the church together go;
As ev'ry Christian ought to do.
It is not meet the Christian quire
Shou'd roll in sin, like swine in mire,
And this grand festival abuse,
As if they were as bad as Jews.
But they shou'd pass this feast, throughout,
Fully as sober and devout,
As children of their Sire above,
In perfect charity and love:
And, to the temple, ev'ry day
They constantly shou'd go, to pray,
Their Saviour's praises to proclaim,
And glorify his holy name.
He ne'er at any time demands
Another off'ring at our hands,
But that we all shou'd praise him, there;
For that is pleasing to his ear.
Then enter to his gates with praise,
And in his courts your voices raise:
At early morn, and ev'ning late,
Let all their Maker celebrate.
With awe unto his temple go;
For it is decent so to do:
'Tis right his praises to proclaim,
And magnify his holy name.
It is a thing, both right and good,
That ev'ry serious Christian shou'd
Adore his Saviour, night and day,
Who on the cross to save him lay.
This is the whole, that at our hands
He as a recompence demands -
'Tis all he now expects above,
For his dire agonies and love.
Then let us clap our hands, and give
Him all due honours whilst we live -
And in his courts his name applaud;
For that is grateful to our God;
But let us never dare blaspheme,
With lips prophane, the Lord supreme,
Lest we shou'd be oblig'd to go,
With Judas, to the pit below.
Unto the blessed Three-in-one,
The Father - Holy Ghost - and Son,
Let us our bounden duty pay
Each hour, each moment, of the day.