Raymond A Foss

1960 / Westfield, MA / United States

Human Greed

The love of self,
of our earthly wealth
a lie upon the earth
creating a distance from the Lord
veiled in flowery verse

We are not made
for the things that rust
that wither and turn to dust
a mighty fortress is our God
in Him alone should we trust
Nothing of our possessions
make nothing an idol, we pray
turning away from the world
to our brother instead

Follow the Christ,
away from the world
with his witness of God's true love
showing obedience, trust in the Lord
going to the cross,
as a humble servant
not the throne
a king in an earthly realm

Out things, this focus on our wealth
a prison, chains on our hearts
keeping us from walking with our God
on the dusty roads of this life
yoked to our brother, our savior
doing his work
for this we are called
leaving our lives, the things behind
going where we are led
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