Raymond A Foss

1960 / Westfield, MA / United States

An Angel, A Deacon, And A Eunuch

What was it that the daily reflection asked?
Oh yeah, it was, "If you were set down beside
the carriage of the Ethiopian, what would you ask?"
His response was priceless,
"Hey buddy, could you stop that chariot,
my feet are killing me!"

Okay, so not the mental picture
the writer of Acts had in mind
with the strange story of Philip
and the Ethiopian eunuch.

A funny scene, a scholar
without a clue,
reading the prophets
of a people not his own
Needing an interpreter
finding an agile deacon instead
sent by an angel on a different path

A vision, a sprint, a chat,
a dunking, and poof,
He's gone
teleported away,
snatched up;
an imponderable moment
like so many in Acts
spreading the word
as the Spirit MOVES you…
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