When I was a boy, all the dirt roads in the desert looked the same. Crescendo and credibility gap, alongside nerve and socket. Forget the sidewalks and quit sobbing in your dreams. Spanish researchers trained people to echolocate with tongue clicks, and biologists found that tiger moths have developed sonar-jamming capabilities to combat bats. Combat bats. It rhymes, though essential could rhyme with pig and nose hair always leads to the question, 'Are you truly there, or is this some kind of time wasting device' like the smart phone you refuse to purchase? Outside the out station is where the dog that lived outside disappeared. An octopus has three hearts. If a tiger loses all of its hair, it will still be striped because each cat has unique stripes, like fingerprints, and they will never go away, as in a naked tiger will be striped, though my baldness is growing and I am still waiting for the first stripe. There is a pyramid behind my left ear. I can't talk about it because my ancestors believed in crosses and not brick monuments to heart-stealing mad priests. If intuitivism is prime, then the primigravida is here. A what? A primigravida is a woman who is pregnant for the first time. Perhaps, she is a woman in prime time grabbing new vida (life) to bring into a world where polar ice is melting and the new drug of choice among young people are bath beads that contain chemicals that will get you high, the hallucinations intense because scientists believe plain water's memory only lasts mere picoseconds. I don't know what picoseconds are but the dude getting wiped out on bath beads is the cleanest junkie I have ever seen. This joke over drug addiction isn't funny because as the Arabian and African tectonic plates continue their rift, a new ocean is forming in the Ethiopian desert. Egrets effectuate eidetic epitaphs established each epoch. This is derived from the mystery of time and the imagination that is free to explore inside an old shoe where an old man spit fourteen years ago, the invisible bacteria still alive on the leather casually forming equations that, someday, will lead to uglier feet with beautiful toenails that will become a trend among dying men. Perhaps, the fable of the three-headed dog will finally be believed, though a goat exhibition in India debuted a young goat with six legs, four testicles, and three penises. In the end, I only had four dollars as new species were found among a genus of worms that eat the bones of whales and cows on the seafloor.