Ramiro Hernán Burgos

Tiempo / Time

Pasan los días y voy / The days are passing throw
meses sin compás de espera / monnths without waiting compass
Viejos amigos que hoy / Old friends that today
me cuentan su vida y se enteran / tell me about their lives and then realice
que yo sigo subiendo al caballo / that I still riding the horse
que alado surca mi cielo / that cross my sky with it's wings
que nunca descansa y vuela / that never rest and still flying
sobre océanos de no terminar / over never endless seas
entre nubes irreales que el viento / among irreal clouds that the wind
se ha encargado de lejos llevar / has concerned about teke them faraway
tanto que desde aquí no las ves / so far that you can't see them from here
Realidad esquiva imaginaria / evasive and imaginary reality
poetas sin musa y sin tregua / poets without muse and without truce
vidas lejanas tan cerca quizas / so far and so near that life can be
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