Ramiro Hernán Burgos

Mi Otro Yo / My Other Me

Soñaba con sacar la lotería / He dreammed about to win the lottery
vivía esperando su oportunidad / he lived waiting his opportunity
su vida era una espera tan pasiva / his life was a passive expectation
que un día se murió sin avisar / that one day he died without a warning

Los que lo conocían criticaron / Whom knew him were very critical
no tuvieron piedad de su ilusión / They didn't have mercy about his illusion
ni siquiera ella, a la que había amado / no even her, the one he loved
pudo sentir alguna emoción / could feel any emotion

Y yo, que compartí sus sueños / And I, that shared his dreams
puedo decir que el tipo era el mejor / can tell that he was the best pal
de no haber sido por sus pensamientos, / If I couldn't have his advice
mi suerte hubiera sido la peor / shure my luck would be the worst
Hablo de mi otro yo / I'm speaking about my other me
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