Ralph Crane

1621-1721 / England

Mercies Seuen Acts Spirituall. Canto I.

MERCIE puts on a more celestiall face,
commands the Pilgrime take a grauer Pen,
For thou must write (quoth she) & I must grace
what only now concernes the Soules of men.
First then record how good, and how direct
A deed it is, The Sinner to correct.
To feed the hungry, Mercies first degree,
May with this first Spirituall paralleld be,
For a Stray-sinners Soule, that long hath swarv'd
Fro Christ (lifes bread) may be cal'd hunger-staru'd
Then to correct and turne that Soule to good
Is rightly said to giue Spirituall food.
So much for the Coherence; and through all
The Corporeall workes, so meet Spirituall.
God rebuk'd Laban, cause he did pursue
Iacob Christ, Paul Paul rebuk'd Peter too
Boldly and openly which shewes, we ought
To reprove sin in any 'tis so taught
Throughout the Word; by Law, & by the Lamb
(Who (all obedient) for the obedient came.)
List to the counsell of the Holy Ghost
(Where dwels all Goodnesse plentifully most)
If thy weake Brother, through temptation fall
Restore him, ye that are Spirituall
So saies the Spirit of all Comforts-beautie,
Which showes this worke is a Spirituall Duty
It is a Mercy to the Soules of men
And brings them to the way of life agen
One Dutie so depends vpon another
He that Corrects, will sure Instruct his Brother
Coheres with that before; for he that feeds
The hungrie, will giue Drinke to him that needs
'Tis such a golden-chaine, so linck'd together
In Soule, and Body, 'tis the same in either.
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