Public Information Projects

August 8th, 1963-Nigeria
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Sanctums Of Sin By Chidi Anthony Opara

Let me rebuke satanists.
Let me tonguelash
The surrogates of satan
And their sanctums of sin.

Cascade of cants,
Canticles crafted with insincerity
And incredible credos.

Poverty on earth,
Hope of hereafter
Where poverty does not exist.
Absurd brew
By bosterious bunkum brewers.

They infiltrate officialdom
And take hold of its jugular,
They litter the skyline
With sleek private jets.

"No tithes, no turn around",
"No offerings, more sufferings"
They threaten from pulpits
Adorned with promiscuity,
With profanities.

Self serving doctrines,
Hypnotized congregants
Reveling in vile ecstasy.
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