Poetry Forms

Busta Sonnetto (All Thru The Night)

All thru the night she can hear beat of her heart
No one to share with what she can yet just feel
In the middle of the night you can hear her cry
His betrayal hurts her like daggers of steel
Probing her his love wasn't true from the start.
In the silent of night she feels round the cold
Like mad driven horses her thoughts can't seem stop
Some dreams reduced to ashes now dead on floor.
She's now aware that his love was false a flop.
The coldness of his heart only makes hers scowl.
She covered in blood love at her feet lays dead
All thru the night she tastes love's bitter sting
Her pain flows but her cry hides within her sigh.
Pushing her nightmare away she leaves her bed.

By Lawrence Eberhart
173 Total read