Wrathful Poems

Popular Wrathful Poems
Wrathful love
by Femme Mcbridge

Lochinvar’s eyes stole her heart,
Her dreams gave its wings to arteries,
Two hearts whispered in love,
Exchanged kisses and wed in a cove,
His eyes spoke never ending words,
That only her heart could read,
The dusk travelled no feed,
Love rhythms played its treat,
Dawn was never to apparently appear,
The sun was on her shy to reappear,


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Recent Wrathful Poems
Wrathful love
by Femme Mcbridge

Lochinvar’s eyes stole her heart,
Her dreams gave its wings to arteries,
Two hearts whispered in love,
Exchanged kisses and wed in a cove,
His eyes spoke never ending words,
That only her heart could read,
The dusk travelled no feed,
Love rhythms played its treat,
Dawn was never to apparently appear,
The sun was on her shy to reappear,


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