For Paul, most of all
I thought it would have been different
The flagrant, fragrant flouting of the norms he never cared for
The holiest and sacred of the forms he could not dare for
For Paul, least of all
Was there reason to worry
A fenced in recluse, iconoclast isolated by his own designs
The hermetic chamber ranger, ranged in a chamber while losing his mind
I was a happy, fluent linguist, fruitfully helping revive endangered languages,
As colorful rainbows walk across the sky, in buttery hours, turned languorous.
I enjoyed doing practical fieldwork, and establishing useful literary programs,
As the honeysuckle sun loves to found days, in silver and gold time, so grand.
Verbal interactions were very rewarding, like a dawn purple martin serenade,
As the orange sun rolls across the sky, to highlight roses and plans we made.
Fluent friends and I fascinated tangerine summer, when flourishing is in favor,
For Paul, most of all
I thought it would have been different
The flagrant, fragrant flouting of the norms he never cared for
The holiest and sacred of the forms he could not dare for
For Paul, least of all
Was there reason to worry
A fenced in recluse, iconoclast isolated by his own designs
The hermetic chamber ranger, ranged in a chamber while losing his mind
I was a happy, fluent linguist, fruitfully helping revive endangered languages,
As colorful rainbows walk across the sky, in buttery hours, turned languorous.
I enjoyed doing practical fieldwork, and establishing useful literary programs,
As the honeysuckle sun loves to found days, in silver and gold time, so grand.
Verbal interactions were very rewarding, like a dawn purple martin serenade,
As the orange sun rolls across the sky, to highlight roses and plans we made.
Fluent friends and I fascinated tangerine summer, when flourishing is in favor,