To drive Paul out of any lumber camp
All that was needed was to say to him,
'How is the wife, Paul?'- and he'd disappear.
Some said it was because be bad no wife,
And hated to be twitted on the subject;
Others because he'd come within a day
Or so of having one, and then been Jilted;
Others because he'd had one once, a good one,
Who'd run away with someone else and left him;
And others still because he had one now
As a non-golfing husband I revel at tales
Of sunshine filled days chasing small balls,
Some in the rough others in sand,
All these brave girls fighting nature's pitfalls.
I hear of the times the flock of wild ducks
Hindered a drive that was perfectly hit,
And what of those trees that magically moved
With a subsequent shout 'I just want to quit'.
Women are created in the image of God just as men are
Females are seen by Jesus as genuine persons
Not simply as the objects of male desire
Every family has disagreements, conflicts
Some men treat her with bitterness and uncontrolled anger,
They quarrel with her, abuse her,
Some Men are so rude, violent, controlling, and hatred
They do not reflect the love of Christ to her
For the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God
If ever thou didst love me first,
My heart shall pledge in boundless trust.
If thou bestowed upon me armor bright,
I would be thy golden knight.
If ever thou and I didst entwine,
I’d fight for thee with soul divine.
And if in battle I should fall,
I’d skip death’s grasp to heed thy call.
what would be the reason
to have an open casket funeral?
Why should the living
see the dead?
He addressed the questions to no one
in particular
but his dead wife answered from the
picture on the wall
Peter Perkins loved tasty pumpkin, in pies, in puddings and etcetera;
Which filled their house with tempting smells, so said his wife, Elena.
Beloved Elena was a splendid cook, to which fond Peter could attest,
With hand over his crimson heart, like rouge sun dyeing in the west.
The Perkins had a bouncy pet rabbit; and they called him 'Scamper,'
Like pretty, fall leaves forever flying, in hues red, purple and amber.
Frigid days had turned fragrant, and the friendly friends came calling,
If ever thou didst love me first,
My heart shall pledge in boundless trust.
If thou bestowed upon me armor bright,
I would be thy golden knight.
If ever thou and I didst entwine,
I’d fight for thee with soul divine.
And if in battle I should fall,
I’d skip death’s grasp to heed thy call.
As a non-golfing husband I revel at tales
Of sunshine filled days chasing small balls,
Some in the rough others in sand,
All these brave girls fighting nature's pitfalls.
I hear of the times the flock of wild ducks
Hindered a drive that was perfectly hit,
And what of those trees that magically moved
With a subsequent shout 'I just want to quit'.
Women are created in the image of God just as men are
Females are seen by Jesus as genuine persons
Not simply as the objects of male desire
Every family has disagreements, conflicts
Some men treat her with bitterness and uncontrolled anger,
They quarrel with her, abuse her,
Some Men are so rude, violent, controlling, and hatred
They do not reflect the love of Christ to her
For the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God
what would be the reason
to have an open casket funeral?
Why should the living
see the dead?
He addressed the questions to no one
in particular
but his dead wife answered from the
picture on the wall